
Listen to Your Body: Is it Screaming?

by Taru Fisher on December 4, 2010

I recently had an “ah ha” moment. For the past six months I’ve had one upper respiratory infection after another as well as some other troubling symptoms. I didn’t understand it; I’d never been ill like this. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis, but somehow that overactive immune system of mine had always taken care of other invaders. What had changed?

I realized that for years I’ve been treating my body like it could handle anything I threw at it. Rushing from here to nowhere, pushing myself to succeed, ignoring my inner voice, and most importantly, my body’s voice.

First it was just a whisper, than somewhat conversational, then a shout, and finally, a scream. Don’t let your body’s voice turn into a scream…that takes a huge effort, pain, and lots of regret to fix. Listen to the whisper, and honor your body’s wisdom immediately.

If you are coming down with something (and we all know when that’s happening), rest and take care of yourself. If you already have a cold, flu or any other health challenge, STOP doing, find out what your body needs to help it heal, and take care of yourself. Be present, aware, alert, and tuned in to your body. It will reward you with a quick recovery and a longer, healthier life.

How do you honor your body’s voice? If you’re not, what will it take for that to happen?

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