
A Change of Pace: A More Inward Rhythm

by Taru Fisher on September 5, 2010

I have been struggling with the current transition appearing in my life; the one that feels scary and not socially acceptable. The one that says, “slow down”. The one that whispers be more silent and feel the center within yourself. The one that doesn’t really want to go out much at night, but prefers to read or do a jigsaw puzzle with my husband — anything but be on that damned computer one more minute. The one that occasionally feels like becoming a nun so she can have some peace and quiet, and contemplation, and no technology. The one that still wants to contribute to others, but somehow differently, less frantic, less interested in being perfect, and more interested in being present. That one is me.

I am beginning to understand that this transition is actually more transformational than transitional. It’s something that happens to all of us as we get older, and it is not to be feared; it is to be welcomed. Once I got this, I began to relax into this “slow down” feeling and watched as my stress level went down, my joy increased, my creativity started to blossom, and my friendships started becoming deeper and richer. Even though I’m not running from one place to another all the time, I am now somehow more a part of life rather than a spectator . Now, when I’m somewhere, that’s where I am; I’m not thinking about the next networking event, what’s for dinner, or how I haven’t done all those important things on my “to do” list.

I’ve noticed I’m attracting new coaching clients that are looking for a much more focused, less frantic pace in their lives. While they are all younger than I, they still want to be successful in their business, and are looking for a way to manage their busy lives to both be successful and have a life of joy and balance. Perhaps my ongoing transformation is what attracts them to me and me to them. Perhaps they, too, want to be present and have more space for noticing their inward rhythms — and honoring them.

I’d love to know about your experience. What have you noticed about the pace of your life? Is it too fast, too slow, or just right?

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