
You’re Tired Because You’re Doing the Wrong Thing, the Wrong Way

by Taru Fisher on November 27, 2009

My second installment of Michael Gerber’s BizTechDay presentation is very personal for me. There are several things he said that hit me like a bolt out of the blue and propelled me into action.

He said “you’re tired because you’re doing the wrong thing, the wrong way”, and “burnout means you are working with energy you no longer have”. I had been feeling exhausted and burned out for over a year when I came down with some illness that laid me up for over a month. I couldn’t do much of anything; even thinking was too much effort. So, I relaxed into what was, and discovered what I really wanted to do next. I realized I had been doing what I “should”, rather than what I’m passionate about. I had a lot of rational reasons for this, but while I was recovering I understood what all my explanations were — excuses for not living the kind of life I really want. That illness was a blessing!

Another thing Michael said was truly hard for me to hear, but I absolutely knew it was true for me: “It’s not because you don’t have the time; it’s because you don’t have the will”. I felt like someone had thrown a bucket of cold water over my head and woke me up. This was an incredibly valuable insight.

He made some other valuable points:

  • There is no reason for a small business to fail.
  • To realize your dream, the first thing to systematize is your client fulfillment system.
  • Sometimes one must shut off income in order to make space to create.
  • It’s about clarity. Be articulate and communicate the extraordinary gift you are bringing to the world.
  • No one is going to do it for you — it happens when you do it.
  • Discover what you are capable of replicating, and what you cannot.
  • Dream big, think small, act smaller.

He said he created his system on the fly, promoted it first, and then created it as he went along. This information was extremely useful for me as I tend to want everything perfect before I start, a mind set which frequently keeps me in analysis paralysis.

So, the price of admission to BizTechDay was a bargain. I was inspired by Michael Gerber to jump start my Powerful Aging Coaching Group, “Change the Way You Age”. And, just as inspiring is the impact he is making at age 73–still going strong, providing great value and inspiring others. I really admire this!

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